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This is us

Giving brands a rock-solid online presence

Hey there, nice to meet you!

We’re Webium, an agency based in Slovenia that specialises in web design and development, as well as e-commerce automation and optimisation. We’re on a mission to help your business find success in the online space. No matter what we do, we focus on building trust and bringing you results – traffic, leads, revenue, and everything else that drives your business forward.

What matters most to us is your satisfaction. So, we take an individualised approach and make sure to fully understand each business’s unique identity, budget, objectives and expectations. Only then can we provide high-quality solutions tailored specifically to your business and help you stand out online, solidifying your digital presence.


Combined years of experience


Reviews & recognitions received


Giving brands a rock-solid online presence

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Hey there, nice to meet you!

We’re Webium, an agency based in Slovenia that specialises in web design and development, as well as e-commerce automation and optimisation. We’re on a mission to help your business find success in the online space. No matter what we do, we focus on building trust and bringing you results – traffic, leads, revenue, and everything else that drives your business forward.

What matters most to us is your satisfaction. So, we take an individualised approach and make sure to fully understand each business’s unique identity, budget, objectives and expectations. Only then can we provide high-quality solutions tailored specifically to your business and help you stand out online, solidifying your digital presence.


Combined years of experience


Reviews & recognitions received


Custom solutions


Satisfied clients


Industries served